Deep Heat therapy

Deep heat is produced when energy is converted into heat as it passes through body tissues. Energy sources include the following: High-frequency currents (shortwave diathermy) Very-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (microwave diathermy) High-frequency sound (ultrasound diathermy).


  • Increase blood flow.
  • Increase tissue metabolism.
  • Decrease muscle spindle sensitivity to stretch.
  • Cause muscle relaxation.
  • Effective in the treatment of muscular pains and stiffness including rheumatic pain, backache, fibrositis, lumbago and sciatica.

  • WAX

    Wax bath physiotherapy, using paraffin wax, is one of the most effective ways of applying heat to improve joint mobility by warming the connective tissues. It is mainly used for painful hands and feet and is used by our physiotherapists in conjunction with gentle mobilising techniques and a tailored exercise programme.


  • Applying molten paraffin wax reduces pain due to muscle stiffness, arthritis, or injury.
  • The heat the paraffin wax generates pervades deep, allowing the tense muscles and small joints of the hands and fingers to relax.
  • The warmth of the wax improves poor circulation and reduces inflammation.
  • Ultrasound

    Therapeutic ultrasound allows an increase in local blood flow that may help reduce swelling and chronic inflammation and, promote bone fracture healing. This heat helps to decrease pain, and improve how stretchy your injured body part is to help increase range of motion and flexibility.


  • Ultrasound treatments help to relieve pain and promote tissue healing.
  • Increase blood flow
  • reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • By doing so, it is able to successfully treat and reduce the painful symptoms of multiple conditions.
  • TENS(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

    TENS is a method of electrical stimulation which primarily aims to provide a degree of symptomatic pain relief by exciting sensory nerves and thereby stimulating either the pain gate mechanism and/or the opioid system. The different methods of applying TENS relate to these different physiological mechanisms. The effectiveness of TENS varies with the clinical pain being treated, but research would suggest that when used ‘well’ it provides significantly greater pain relief than a placebo intervention. There is an extensive research base for TENS in both the clinical and laboratory settings and whilst this summary does not provide a full review of the literature, the key papers are referenced. It is worth noting that the term TENS could represent the use of ANY electrical stimulation using skin surface electrodes which has the intention of stimulating nerves. In the clinical context, it is most commonly assumed to refer to the use of electrical stimulation with the specific intention of providing symptomatic pain relief. If you do a literature search on the term TENS, do not be surprised if you come across a whole lot of ‘other’ types of stimulation which technically fall into this grouping.

    TENS units may help treat the following symptoms:

  • Period pain.
  • Labor pain.
  • Postoperative pain.
  • Joint pain.
  • Neck and Back pain.
  • They may also alleviate pain that results from the following conditions:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Arthritis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Painful diabetic neuropathy.
  • spinal cord injury.
  • IRR (Infrared radiation)

    Infrared therapy is a safe and effective way to reduce pain and treat a wide array of conditions. It seems to be a safe, effective, and drug-free way for long-lasting pain relief. It also helps to heal injured body parts


  • Pain relief.
  • Decreases muscle spasm.
  • Increases the sensory nerve conduction velocity, increase in endorphins influencing the pain gate mechanism.
  • Acceleration of healing and tissue repair- pressure sores.
  • Used prior to electrical stimulation/testing or biofeedback to make the skin a better conductor..
  • Interferential Therapy (IFT)

    Interferential Therapy (IFT) Physiotherapy is a form of electrotherapy used for pain management. It follows the basic principle of using low-frequency currents that elicit muscle contraction and promote healing. IFT is a commonly used physiotherapy/electrotherapy technique for pain relief.


  • Providing instantaneous pain relief to deep tissue injuries.
  • Better blood circulation leads to faster soft tissue repair.
  • Contraction of muscles reduces swelling, bruising, and inflammation.
  • Increasing muscle stimulation improves patients' metabolic rates.
  • Healthier blood circulation also leads to decreasing blood pressure.
  • Post-surgery IFT physiotherapy helps patients restore their lost movement of muscles.
  • Traction

    Traction is a manual technique designed to reduce pressure on affected vertebral discs that are causing pain. Traction is a manual ‘stretching’ of the spine which reduces pressure on the discs and therefore reduces the individual’s pain.


  • Herniated or prolapsed disc.
  • Sciatica.
  • Neck pain.
  • Spondylitis.
  • Spinal stenosis.
  • Degenerative disc disease.